When going on a date, you certainly want it to be memorable and pleasant for you and your love interest. If you are planning one and want to try something unlike traditional dates, such as dining or watching a movie, we have the perfect idea for you: a horseback riding date.

At Touch of Chrome Paints, we are passionate about helping people connect with nature and each other, which is why, as horse riding experts, we’ve prepared a guide with crucial advice and tips you can’t miss when planning your horseback riding date. Let’s trot into it!

Make Sure You & Your Date Share Interests

When you want a successful date, it’s important that both parties feel comfortable, and one key aspect to achieving it is to do an activity that both can enjoy. If you want to take your date horseback trail riding, make sure they have a common interest. Ensure your date has previously expressed or shown enthusiasm for animals, the outdoors, or at least trying new experiences. If you are going on a first date, make sure to ask beforehand so you are guaranteed to have a great time.

Make Sure You & Your Date Share Interests<br />
Always Prioritize Safety

Always Prioritize Safety

If you’re going to be out in the wilderness and interacting with animals, safety should always be on the radar. When you start looking for the ranch, stable, equestrian center, or horse boarding facility where you’ll have your horseback riding date, you must inquire about the safety measures they offer their riders. Opt for reputable places and check customer reviews.

When going on a date, it is normal to want to spend some time alone with your companion or partner, but not at the expense of your security. That is why it is best to be accompanied by an instructor or guide on your trail ride. If you want to ride alone with your date, make sure they have advanced horse riding skills.

Last but definitely not least, in terms of safety measures, you want to take the necessary provisions, gear, and, of course, the appropriate horse riding outfit. We have more detailed guides on further security measures and what to wear when horseback riding

Have Confidence!

Even if you’re not an experienced rider, confidence makes a big difference in your horseback riding date, not only with your date but also with the horses, which helps with the overall experience more. Horses can sense emotions, so staying calm and positive is key. If you want to have even more confidence in horses, we have a guide on how to approach horses the right way.

Additionally, it is important to trust not only yourself but also the guide when riding a horse. Not being afraid to follow instructions or encourage your date to do the same shows that you care about your well-being and creates a more easygoing environment.

Have Confidence!<br />
Be Prepared<br />

Be Prepared

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail and to plan for your horseback riding date, you don’t have to go overboard with the details. All you have to do is make sure to make your reservation in advance and call a day or so earlier to confirm the appointment, along with the time, location, and special requirements. You also want to check the weather forecast to wear the proper gear on your date and bring essentials like water, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Also, charge your phone and camera so they don’t die in the middle of the trip.

Go Easy On The Requirement Level

When choosing a horseback riding experience, consider your skill levels and your date. If either of you is new to horseback riding, opt for a beginner-friendly ride. Many stables offer guided trail rides that are suitable for novices and provide a relaxed and scenic experience.

Here at Touch of Chrome Paints, for instance, we not only have a digital guide in our blog post about beginner horseback riding tips, but we also offer the assistance of professional horseback riding instructors in our trail rides. Keeping the difficulty level manageable will make the date fun and enjoyable for both parties.

Go Easy On The Requirement Level<br />

Choose a Strategic Location: The Best Spot In Fort Worth, Texas

Selecting the right location for your horseback riding date can enhance the overall experience. Look for a place that offers beautiful scenery and well-maintained trails. Make sure to select an additional location where you can dine or chat with your date before or after your day out. The location is critical as it sets the stage for a memorable and picturesque outing, which is why you need to choose well.

Here at Touch of Chrome Paints, our Crowley, Texas ranch offers beautiful spaces, excellent safety practices, and fun for all ages and groups—great if you’re going on a double date!

We can offer you and your significant other a dreamy trail ride, such as our mesmerizing sunset rides, catering the adventure to your needs. BOOK NOW